Interview with Come From Away’s Gemma Knight Jones

Updated on 30 October 2023

The date is September 11, 2001, 38 planes must make unexpected landings in the tiny town of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador - Come From Away is a heartfelt story of bravery and love, showing how this small community took in 7,000 passengers following the tragedy of 9/11, as the world mourned, this small community invites these ‘come from aways’ into their lives. 

With soaring music, joy and devastation watch as these passengers and small-town locals overcome their cultural differences and fear to create bonds that will last a lifetime in this story of hope, humanity and unity.

In anticipation of Black Friday, we did a Q&A with Come From Away’s Gemma Knight Jones who plays Hannah in the production.

Gemma Knight Jones as Hannah in Come From Away.
Gemma Knight Jones as Hannah in Come From Away.
Gemma Knight Jones as Hannah in Come From Away.
Gemma Knight Jones as Hannah in Come From Away.

Q&A with Gemma Knight Jones 

1. Describe the show in 3 words. 

Gemma: Heartfelt, unforgettable and inspiring. 

2. What is your favourite part of the show that you’re on stage for? And that you’re not on stage for? 

The opening number. The beat of the bodhrán drum immediately introduces you to the style and beating heart of the show. I’m also never not on the stage for very long, so. . . 

3. If you weren’t playing your current role, who else in the show would you like to play?

I would love to play Janice because she is so light in comparison to my role. 

4. What’s your favourite autumnal treat? 

It’s got to be a hot chocolate on a cold autumnal walk! 

5. Speaking of treats, what are you hoping to treat yourself to this Black Friday? 

Nothing for myself, but a Nintendo DS for my son.

This Black Friday, Save up to £45 on tickets to Come From Away 

This Black Friday, save up to £45 on tickets to Come From Away and see the story of humanity that changed the world.

Kevin Thomas

By Kevin Thomas

From as early as I can recall, writing has always been my passion. Being able to combine this with my love for theatre has been a rewarding and exhilarating experience. I truly believe that there is magic in seeing a story brought to life on stage, and this is what I would like to promote to audiences.